Profile PictureResilient Activists

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You can set your subscription from £2 upwards. We ask that you support at a level that makes sense based on your disposable income. If that's £2 per month, awesome; if that's £200 per month, awesome. We appreciate you just the same.

As a supporter, you'll receive:

  • Early access to all new writing about resilient activism (email)

  • A related question to ponder and journal around (email)

  • DIY self-care guide (PDF)

  • Two guided relaxations (mp3s + PDF transcripts)

  • All Elinor's current zines (PDFs)

  • Membership of a private Slack group

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Early access to new writing
Journalling prompts
DIY self-care guide
Two guided relaxations
All Elinor's current zines
Membership of a private Slack group
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£2+ a month

Become a Supporter of Resilient Activists

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